¿Cuáles son los medios de pago?
Podrás contratar los servicios asistenciales de Cardinal Assistance, abonando con una tarjeta de crédito internacional, Mercado Pago o por Paypal. Es importante que sepas que si usas una tarjeta de crédito, la misma tiene que ser apta para realizar transacciones electrónicas internacionales.
¿Qué es un deducible o franquicia?
Es el importe no incluido en el servicio contratado y que deberás abonar en caso de solicitar asistencia. Si contrataste un servicio con deducible o franquicia, podrás encontrar el importe a abonar en el detalle de prestaciones incluido en tu voucher Cardinal Assistance. Ese importe se abona en destino y no es reembolsable.
¿Cómo solicitar asistencia?

Si tienes un accidente o síntoma de enfermedad, solo deberás llamar desde cualquier teléfono a los números que se indican en tu voucher Cardinal Assistance o vía correo electrónico a:

También puedes solicitar asistencia, desde nuestra aplicación mobile disponible para Android y IOS.

Recuerda que para acceder a los servicios de asistencia al viajero Cardinal Assistance, es condición imprescindible que siempre te comuniques con nuestra central operativa antes de concurrir a una clínica/hospital o incurrir en cualquier gasto.

¿Puedo contratar mi asistencia en viaje, si ya estoy en destino?
No. Los servicios de asistencia Cardinal Assistance no pueden ser contratados si ya iniciaste tu viaje. Solo pueden contratarse antes de comenzar el mismo.
¿Como gestiono un reembolso de gastos incurridos durante mi viaje?
Para acceder a los servicios de asistencia al viajero Cardinal Assistance es condición imprescindible que te comuniques previamente con nuestra central operativa. Si en tu contacto con la misma, fuiste autorizado a realizar algún gasto sujeto a reembolso, a tu regreso del viaje podrás iniciar el tramite del mismo enviando la solicitud a reintegros@cardinalsisa.com.
Why should I get tavel assistance service?

Cardinal Assistance offers you a suitable solution in case an unexpected event takes place during your trip. Thanks to travel assistance service, you can count with a team of professionals, who are trained to assist and understand your needs in case you have a setback. No matter where you are around the world, they will support you in your own language 24/7.

Does the service cover chronic or pre-existing illnesses?

Yes, pre-existing illnesses are covered in our services. Cardinal Assistance covers the initial assistance in case of emergency and compensation of the accute clinical manifestation up to the corresponding maximum depending on the purchased service.

Do I have Cardinal Assistance coverage if I am pregnant?

Yes, Cardinal Assistance covers any evident and unforeseeable complication in pregnancies up to 25 weeks of gestation.

Since when do I have travel assistance service coverage?

The service will be available since the beginning of the trip for which the service has been contracted. It will be valid for the number of days for which it has been effectively contracted.

Which are the service terms and conditions?

The Travel Assistance services are subject to specific general hiring conditions, which provide details of modalities, extent and limitations of each of the established services. 

Does Cardinal Assistance service cover my trip to Europe?

If you plan to travel to Europe and visit several countries within the “Schengen” community, it is obligatory to present migration auhorities some travel assistance which covers the beneficiary for the amount of €30,000.
Cardinal Assistance travel assistance sevice has coverage within the community, complying with all the requirements, which are the following:
Obligatory travel insurance:
The applicants for short stay visas should present written evidence that proves they are holders of travel insurance which includes medical and emergency hospitalization expenses coverage (minimum amount 30,000 euros), as well as medical repatriation. Such insurance must be valid in all the states which are part of the Schengen agreement and during all the applicant’s stay. The medical assistance travel insurance for trips abroad must guarantee the following coverage:

  • Medical assistance in case of illness: minimum coverage of 30,000 euros
  • Medical assistance in case of accident: minimum coverage of 30,000 euros
  • Repatriation:  minimum coverage of 20,000 euros
  • The insurance company must count with a representative/branch in Europe
  • Expenses refund cannot be COD
  • The travel insurance cannot have a deductible (depending on the country where the VISA was processed)
  • This insurance must be valid for the time the trip lasts (original and copy).